Hi! I'm Jessica Hansen. I live in Rexburg, ID and am excited to teach Let's Play Music in my home! It is so fun to introduce a new music program to the Rexburg area.
I was able to attend BYU-Idaho and receive an Associates Degree in Piano Pedagogy. I have taught private piano lessons for the past 4 years and loved every minute of it. My other passion is young children! I dreamed of continuing my education in pursuit of an Preschool Degree, but it never quite fit into my life and schedule. So when I found Let's Play Music, it was love at first sight!!
I'm happily married to a wonderful man who shares my love of music. We both find joy in helping young children develop their talents! I am filled with anticipation to see how my first year Let's Play Music students learn and grow!!
Never seen a Let's Play Music class? Feel free to come and observe one of the classes I am currently teaching. E-mail me at jessletsplaymusic@gmail.com to schedule a visit or to get your questions answered.
The function of beauty in the education of children is to lead them imperceptibly to love, through sensory experience, what they will afterwards learn to know in its own form as an intelligible principle
- Plato